Save money on great stuff this week!
Not all offers shown here. Call or stop in to see all of our great deals.
Sale runs through end of day May 29th
SX-335 Smart Grill Promo
Turn Weber’s error into your advantage! Call or stop in for Price.
Grill Sale
Save up to $200 off a new Weber Grill! Discounts vary based on grill choice.
Chillin’ & Grillin Pkg
Smoker Box ($26.99) +
Grill Out Handle Light ($33.99) +
12” Grill Brush ($10.99) +
Weber Apron ($12.99)
Was $84.96… ONLY $69.99
Turn any grill into a smart grill
a step-by-step grilling assistant that turns any grill into a smart grill, and any griller into a master
Was $129.99… ONLY $119.99, or $99.99 w/ Grill Purchase
Fun in the Sun Pkg
1 Quiksilver Hat ($24-28) +
1 tube Sun Bum Sunscreen ($15)
was $43… ONLY $29.99
Free mini Tote Bag
With purchase of $100 or more of Patagonia clothing. Excludes sale items.
Free Tote Bag
With purchase of $150 or more of Patagonia clothing. Excludes sale items.